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Manage Studies

Understand how to navigate and manage Studies, add teammates, track progress, and more!

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Understand the various elements of each Study Overview page and manage your Studies with various actions, such as adding people, adding teammates to collaborate, sharing links to the study, and more.

Study Overview

Navigate to Studies and select a Study Name to open the Study Overview. This provides a comprehensive look at the core setup details, availability, and progress for a Study. Available options will vary by Study Type (Interview, Survey, or Unmoderated Test).

Sidepanel Navigation

The sidepanel on the left allows you to navigate between different Study elements:

  • Participants: View and manage all Participants in the Study, or by their progress level and Participant Status.

    • Not Started

    • Invited

    • In Progress

    • Done

    • Canceled

  • Interviews: View and manage all interviews, including Upcoming, Completed, No Showed, or Canceled.

  • Survey Responses: View survey responses from Participants.

  • Observer Rooms: View Observer Rooms if they are enabled for this Study.

  • Incentives: View incentives sent to Participants.

  • Outbox: View emails sent to Participants in bulk with 'Insights' or individually with 'All Emails'.


The Progress section shows how close you are to achieving the research goals set for this Study:

  • # Invited (Participants)

  • # Interviews Booked

  • # Interviews Completed

  • # Surveys Completed

  • # Tests Completed

Study Details

The Study Details panel on the right shows you the core setup details, and can be opened or closed by selecting the panel icon in the top right:

  • Status: The Study Status (Draft, Active, Paused, Closed).

  • Team: Which Teammates are involved.

  • Type: The Study Type (Interview, Survey, Unmoderated Test).

  • Dates: The dates for this Study (fixed or rolling date range).

  • Length: The length of the interview (time in minutes/hours) or survey (# questions).

  • Limit: The set # of interviews, surveys, or tests required.

  • Quick Previews: Links to preview the Participant's experience when viewing the scheduler, survey, test, or incentive.

The Follow Up Tasks section shows any actions you need to take, such as viewing survey, screener, or test responses, or sending incentives.

Study Actions

Select the three dots ... in the top right corner to complete the following actions:

Share Links

Share links are located in the top right corner of a Study Overview. The options shown will vary depending on the Study Type and settings.

  1. Select the 'Share' button in the top right corner.

  2. In this section, you will find two types of links:

    • Invite Link: This link can be shared to recruit anywhere online and allows Participants to sign up and qualify for the Study through a Screener.

    • Scheduling Link: This link invites Participants to directly schedule an interview for the Study, and is only included in Interview Type Studies.

      Interview Type Study Share Links

      Survey or Unmoderated Test Type Study Share Link

  3. Copy and share the appropriate link with Participants via email, messaging platforms, in-app popups, or any other desired communication channels.

If public links have not been turned on for a Study, you can 'Enable Links' to edit the Study and enable this feature.

Add People

Select the 'Add People' button in the top right corner of a Study Overview to add Participants to your Study. Add people from your Rally CRM, a CSV upload, or manual entry to add relevant Participants to a Study before inviting them. Learn about the various methods for how to Add Participants to a Study.


Select 'Outbox' from the left sidepanel to see all emails sent to Participants in a Study. See the total number of emails sent, and review open rate, click rate, bounce rate, and spam complaint rate. These metrics can be viewed at the Study level at the top of the table, or within the table to see the metrics for each bulk email send.

Switch between the tabs at the top to view 'Insights' which groups bulk email sending or view 'All Emails' to see every single email that has been sent to Participants in a Study.

Select the Email Subject cell for any Participant email to preview the actual email that was sent to that Participant.

Email Statuses

Check the "Email Status" column in the Outbox > All Emails tab to see whether your email was sent successfully. As emails are sent, delivered, and interacted with, their statuses will automatically update to the following:

  • Scheduled

  • Sending

  • Send Pending

  • Sent

  • Opened

  • Clicked

  • Spam Complaint

  • Canceled

  • Hard Bounced

  • Soft Bounced

  • Error

Why are emails in the Study Outbox showing a "Scheduled" Email Status?

  • While Rally doesn't allow you to schedule emails to be sent later, when you send an immediate email, we schedule/enqueue it for sending. These emails are sent out accounting for your email provider rate limits and Rally’s email providers rate limits. In most cases, these emails are sent out within a few seconds.

  • When looking in your study Outbox, if an email status is "Scheduled" you should be able to scroll to the right on that table view and see "Email Send Date" as a column for when it's queued to go out. If you're sending low-volume outreach, emails shouldn't be in the "Scheduled" status for more than a few minutes, so please reach out to Rally Support if you experience a longer delay with the email status update.

💡 Optimize your outreach by learning how to Decrease Spam Rate and Improve Email Deliverability. Learn how Rally protects your email-sending reputation and ensures deliverability with Email Health Thresholds.

Add Teammates to a Study

Collaborate on Studies by adding Teammates to allow them to take action. Teammates have the ability to make any changes to a Study, like adding or removing Teammates, changing Study settings, sending incentives, and updating the Study status.

Teammates can be added from the Studies page or any specific Study Overview.

From the Studies Page

  1. Navigate to the Studies page.

  2. Locate the relevant Study and hover over the name.

  3. Select 'Actions' and 'Add Teammates'.

  4. Type the Teammate's name or email to narrow your results, or select from the list.

  5. Select the add person icon to add them and select 'Update' to apply your changes.

From a Specific Study Overview

  1. Navigate to the Studies page.

  2. Locate the relevant Study and select the Study Name to open the Study Overview.

  3. In the top right, select the three dots ... and select 'Add Teammates'.

  4. Type the Teammate's name or email to narrow your results, or select from the list.

  5. Select the add person icon to add them and select 'Update' to apply your changes.

Remove Teammates from a Study

Follow the Add Teammates to a Study steps above, but instead of selecting the add person icon, select the remove person icon next to the relevant teammate to remove. Select 'Update' to apply your changes.

Manage Next Steps

Add Participants to a Study

Add Participants to a Study: Use your Rally CRM, a CSV upload, or manual entry to add relevant Participants to a Study before inviting them.

Invite Participants to a Study

Invite Participants to a Study: Send emails or share links to invite Participants to a Study after adding Participants relevant to your research.

Qualify Participants

Qualify Participants: Automatically qualify or disqualify Participants by using Conditional Logic in Screeners to allow Participants to schedule interviews or begin tests without waiting for you to follow up, or choose to review screener responses and manually qualify or disqualify. Learn what each Screener Status means and where to view them.


Scheduling: Learn everything you need to know about scheduling with Rally. Book, manage, and conduct interviews easily with Rally's robust native Scheduler and configuration features, or manually book interviews as needed. Learn about each scheduling status and actions to take, as well as schedule conflicts or overrides.

Send Incentives

Send Incentives: Add funds to incentive budgets, send Participants incentives directly from Rally through our Tremendous integration, send reminders for unclaimed incentives, and more.

Study Statuses

Study Statuses: Determine when Studies are accessible to Participants and manage your team's research plans and priorities. Close Studies to disable scheduling or Archive Studies after all research and follow-up tasks are complete.

Export Data

Learn how to export data from various Rally tables as needed to create or add to spreadsheets or workbooks for required tracking and reporting outside of Rally to view or share your download. This can be useful for reporting to stakeholders, cross-functionally collaborating teams, or reporting on the progress or success of your various research efforts.

Remove Participants from a Study

If you wish to remove Participants from a Study, this can be done individually or in bulk. Upon removal, these Participants will no longer be able to take actions related to this Study such as scheduling time to meet, and any data collected from the Participants will be deleted, such as screener submissions.

🚨 We recommend exercising extreme caution and using the Remove Participants feature sparingly to avoid accidentally losing valuable Participant data.

  1. Navigate to the Studies page.

  2. Locate the relevant Study and select the Study Name to open the Study Overview.

  3. Select 'Participants' from the sidepanel.

  4. Remove Participants from the Study individually or in bulk.

    • Individually:

      • Hover over a Participant's name, select the three dots ... and select 'Remove From Study'.

    • In bulk:

      • Select the checkboxes next to each Participant you wish to remove from the Study, select the three dots ... at the top of the table, and select 'Remove From Study'.

💡 If you accidentally remove Participants from a Study after capturing data from them and wish to re-add them to the Study with their original submissions preserved, please contact Rally with all relevant details so that we can restore the Participants to the Study with their data preserved.

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