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Prevent over-contacting or over-incentivizing automatically with outreach and participation limits and rules.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Governance in Rally is a system of rules that ensures proper management of outreach and participant limits to prevent over-contacting and over-sampling and avoid over-incentivizing.

Participant Contact Status

Each Participant Profile has a Rally-defined property called Contact Status associated with it, also shown in your People database:

  • Free to contact

  • In cooldown

  • In blocklist

  • Do not contact

  • Opted out

Free to contact

Participants can be contacted for research purposes.

In cooldown

Participants are currently in an active cooldown period, meaning they cannot be contacted for research. When you select a Participant in an active cooldown and attempt to contact them, you will have the option to override the cooldown period and contact them anyway.

In blocklist

Participants have been added to the blocklist and cannot be contacted.

Do not contact

Participants have been added by custom governance rule automation and cannot be contacted.

Opted out

Participants have chosen to opt out or unsubscribe and should not be contacted.

All of Rally’s governance rules are based on these statuses.

Governance Rules

Governance rules can be accessed in 'Settings' and consists of four main sections:

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Governance'.

  3. Select the tabs at the top to view the different governance sections.

Default Governance Rules


Study Invitation Limits

You can set a limit on the number of study invitations a Participant can receive within a specific rolling time period.

Interview Participation Limits

Set a limit on the number of interviews a person can participate in over a rolling time period.

Survey Participation Limits

Set a limit on the number of Surveys a person can complete over a rolling time period.

Unmoderated Testing Limits

Set a limit on the number of unmoderated tests a person can complete over a rolling time period.


Study Invitation Cooldown

Prevent people from getting too many invites at once. A person that receives an invite is placed on cooldown.

Participant Cooldown

Give Participants a break after completing a study. A person that completes aSstudy is placed on cooldown.

Set Up Default Governance Rules

Super Admins can enable and easily configure any of Rally's default governance rules for your entire workspace to automatically prevent over-contacting Participants.

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Governance'.

  3. From the Default tab, review each rule and select the toggle on the right to enable each rule as desired.

  4. Each enabled rule is prefilled with a general configuration. Edit these fields to your desired limit amounts and timeframes.

  5. After making changes, select 'Apply' at the bottom of the page to save the changes to your governance rules, or select 'Cancel' to abandon your changes.

Custom Rules

Easily create and store custom rules to put Participants in a cooldown or mark them as Do Not Contact.

Custom Governance Use Cases

You may want to add a custom governance rule to…

  • 👉 Add a longer cooldown period for Participants in specific Panels or Segments, such as having users in a Beta group get put on an extra long cooldown period when they are contacted, compared to the rest of the database.

  • 👉 Mark any Participants from specific domains as not contactable, such as excluding anyone with emails from or

  • 👉 Mark Participants that hit an annual incentive limit as not contactable for a period of time to avoid over-incentivizing.

  • 👉 Mark Participants who are up for contract renewal in the next 30 days and have a red customer health score from Salesforce as not contactable until they are in a good state again.

  • 👉 Add a cooldown period for Participants recently contacted by Marketing (using Salesforce or Snowflake integration Property mapping to sync relevant customer data).

Create Custom Governance Rules

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Governance'.

  3. Select the 'Custom Rules' tab from the top of the page.

  4. Select ‘+ New Rule’ in the top right to create a new custom governance rule.

  5. Enter a Name.

  6. Optionally, enter a description for this rule.

  7. Add Conditions to determine which people in your database will be affected by this rule when it runs. Conditions can be based on any Property in Rally.

  8. Configure the Actions, which determine what the rule should do to people that match the conditions.

  9. Select ‘Apply’ to save the custom governance rule.

Manual Cooldowns

View Participants who have been placed in a manual cooldown. Manual cooldowns allow you to prevent contacting people for a set time period that expires, and require you to set the length of cooldown and enter a reason.

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Governance'.

  3. Select the 'Manual Cooldowns' tab at the top to view all people in manual cooldowns.

View and Manage Manual Cooldowns

Update or remove manual cooldowns for people individually or in bulk.

Update Cooldown

  1. Individually: Hover over their name, select the three dots ... and select 'Update Cooldown'.

  2. In bulk: Check the boxes next to their names and select the 'Update Cooldown' button at the top of the table.

  3. Length of cooldown: Set the cooldown duration (1, 7, 14, 30, 60, or 90 days).

  4. Reason: Enter the reason for the manual cooldown. Adding a reason is required.

  5. Select 'Update cooldown(s)' to confirm.

Remove Cooldown

  1. Individually: Hover over their name, select the three dots ... and select 'Remove Cooldown'.

  2. In bulk: For multiple people, check the boxes next to their names and select the 'Remove Cooldown' button at the top of the table.

  3. Select 'Remove # cooldown(s)' to confirm.

Place Participants in a Manual Cooldown

Create a manual cooldown for one or more Participants from any people table, such as your People database or within a Study or Panel.

  1. Select 1 or more Participants in a table by checking the boxes next to their names.

  2. Select the three dots ... at the top of the table.

  3. Select 'Create Manual Cooldown'.

  4. Length of cooldown: Set the duration of the manual cooldown (1, 7, 14, 30, 60, or 90 days).

  5. Reason: Enter the reason for the manual cooldown. Adding a reason is required.

  6. Select 'Add person/people to cooldown' to confirm.

Note: When a Participant is in a cooldown, they cannot be invited directly to a Study via email outreach until the cooldown is over unless you override the contact status filter. Rally will alert you when trying to send an email that includes Participants in cooldown.


Workspace members can manually add Participants to the blocklist for various reasons, such as repeated no-shows, dishonesty, or poor communication during research Studies. This allows you to prevent contacting people until they are manually removed from the blocklist.

View and Manage Blocklist Participants

  1. In the top right corner of Rally, select your user icon and select 'Settings'.

  2. From the sidebar, select 'Governance'.

  3. Select the 'Blocklist' tab at the top to view all people in your blocklist.

  4. Remove individual people from the blocklist by hovering over their name, selecting the three dots, and selecting 'Remove From Blocklist'.

  5. Remove multiple people from the blocklist by checking the box next to their name(s) and selecting the 'Remove From Blocklist' button at the top.

Add A Participant To The Blocklist

Add people to the blocklist from any people table, such as the People database, or a Study or Panel.

  1. Select a Participant to add to the blocklist by checking the box next to their name.

    • You can select multiple people to add to the blocklist at once if they are all being added for the same reason, as only 1 reason can be added at a time.

  2. Select the 3 dots at the top of the table.

  3. Select ‘Add To Blocklist’.

  4. Provide a brief reason for why the Participant is being added to the blocklist.

How Are Governance Rules Enforced?

Overriding Governance

If someone in your workspace needs to contact a Participant who is in a cooldown period, they can manually override the governance rule and provide an override reason. The override details, including reasons, dates, and the person who performed the override, will be recorded in the Participant's profile under 'Governance.'

How To Override Governance

  1. Add the person to your Study by selecting them from your Participant list or inviting them using their email address.

  2. Once the person is added, select them in the Participant list.

  3. Select the 'Compose Email' button.

  4. Choose the specific email you would like to send to the Participant from the available options.

  5. A panel will appear on the right side of the screen. In the bottom right corner of the panel, select 'Override Rules’.

  6. Enter an override reason in the provided field. This reason should explain why you are overriding the governance rules for this Participant.

  7. Select the Participant you want to override by checking the corresponding box next to their name.

  8. Once you have selected the Participant, select 'Continue with override' in the bottom right corner of the panel.

When Does A Person’s Governance Status Update?

A Participant's governance status can be updated in three ways:

  • Whenever an email outreach action is performed for a Participant, their governance status is evaluated and updated within several minutes seconds.

  • Whenever workspace governance settings are modified, the governance statuses of all Participants in the workspace are re-evaluated and updated over the next several minutes to a few hours depending on the number of participants in your workspace.

  • Custom governance rules will update Participant's contact status in a few different scenarios.

    • When a new person is created, an update will take place within several minutes.

    • When a person is added to a Study, an update will take place within several minutes.

    • Any time a Property for a specific person is updated and is used by a custom rule's conditions, an update will take place within several minutes.

    • Every day at midnight for your workspace and will take a few hours.

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