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Use Teams to safely scale research operations and manage access control.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a month ago

This article provides instructions for customers using Rally for Teams (Rally V2). Your Rally admin will let you know when it's time to switch to Rally for Teams.

Organize your Rally workspace by creating teams that align with your company’s structure and collaboration needs. Rally for Teams allows you to have multiple teams within the same workspace, providing granular control over who can access different templates, groups of participants, and studies.

Why It's Important:
Adding UXRs, PMs, Designers, and other stakeholders to dedicated teams establishes a strong foundation for study collaboration. It also enables ReOps to collaborate with all stakeholders in focused team workspaces.

Example: Your organization's delivery app has users that belong in different groups:

  1. Businesses that provide goods for delivery

  2. Drivers that deliver goods

  3. Advertising partners that are marketed in-app

At a large organization, each group may be managed by a different internal team, and it's important to separate these users so that participants are clearly defined and protected, so they are only contacted for research relevant to their group.

Additionally, this ensures that members of the internal team managing "Drivers" only sees studies created by and for their team, can only see and contact "Drivers" participants, and only has access to templates assigned to their team.

Rally for Teams enables you to create multiple teams with strict access controls and participant segmentation so there's no confusing overlap or mixed messaging.

Rally users assigned a specific team will get their own view within Rally, providing direct access to any Studies, People, Templates, and Signup Forms assigned to their team, also including those assigned to the entire Rally workspace.

Users must be assigned to at least one team, but can be part of multiple teams.

Admins are able to view all teams, even ones they're not a part of.

What if you only have one team?

While Rally for Teams allows you to create multiple Teams, each with their own levels of access and permissions, you will still get the same power and value out of Rally if you only have one Team. Simply create your Team following the steps below, and assign your templates, populations, budgets, etc, and all Rally users to that one team.

Group users that share research goals, templates, participants, and studies.

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