๐ก Learn how to set up and add funds to Research Budgets.
Teammates that share ownership of a Study can send, resend, or cancel incentives for that Study's Participants easily. Export a CSV file of incentive activity to share and report outside of Rally.
Note: This article covers incentive management for in-house recruitment studies. To learn more about incentives for external panel recruitment studies, visit our collection.
Send Incentives to Participants
After completing research where Participants have been offered an incentive, close the loop by sending incentives to Participants individually or in bulk.
When building a Study, during the Plan section of the Study builder, remember to include the incentive component and specify the amount you will pay to your Participants. Check the amount carefully to ensure accuracy before contacting Participants.
Once the scheduled interview is complete, the Participant Status will automatically change to "Incentive Not Sent".
From the Study Overview, under the Participants section in the sidepanel, select 'Done' to view Participants who have completed the required activity.
Participants who have completed the qualifying activity may have a Participant Status of "Survey Completed", "Test Completed", or "Interview Completed".
Survey Completed
Test Completed
Interview Completed
To send incentives, select one or more Participants using the checkboxes.
Select 'Actions' and 'Send Incentives'.
Choose the desired amount for the incentives and select 'Next'.
Include an email thanking Participants for their participation, which also includes the incentive amount and button with a unique link to claim their incentive.
Carefully review the email for accuracy, and optionally select 'Preview Email'.
Select 'Send to # Participant(s)' to send the incentive email.
Once incentives are sent, the Participant Status will automatically update to "Incentive Sent", and your task is complete!
Resend or Cancel Unclaimed Incentives
Send a reminder email to Participants who haven't claimed their incentives, or cancel unclaimed incentives.
Resend Unclaimed Incentives
Send a reminder email to Participants who haven't claimed their incentives.
Navigate to the Budgets page in Rally.
Select the 'Payments' tab.
Search or filter for Participant(s) with "Unclaimed" Payment Status.
Resend unclaimed incentives individually or in bulk.
In the popup, select 'Resend Incentive(s)' to confirm.
Cancel Unclaimed Incentives
If you've already sent reminder emails and Participants still haven't claimed their incentives after an extended period of time defined by your organization, such as 1 year, and you don't plan to resend them, you can reclaim them by canceling them. The funds from canceled incentives will be returned to your budget. You can also cancel incentives that were mistakenly sent by accident.
๐จ If a Participant has already claimed their incentive, it cannot be canceled.
Cancel Unclaimed Incentives in Bulk
Navigate to the Budgets page in Rally.
Select the 'Payments' tab.
Search or filter for Participant(s) with "Unclaimed" Payment Status.
Add another filter for the Sent At date you will be canceling, such as:
Select the relevant Participant(s) using the checkboxes.
You cannot cancel incentives for all rows but can select multiple simultaneously by making your first selection and then holding the shift key when making your last selection.
At the top of the table, select the 'Cancel Incentive(s)' button.
In the popup, select 'Cancel Incentives' again to confirm.
The canceled funds will be immediately returned to your budget.
Cancel Unclaimed Incentive for an Individual Participant
Select the three dots ... next to a person's name and select 'Cancel Incentive'.
In the popup, select 'Cancel Incentives' again to confirm.
The canceled funds will be immediately returned to your budget.
Incentives FAQ
โน๏ธ After a Study is closed, can Participants still claim incentives that were sent?
Yes! If incentive emails were sent to Participants within a Study before the Study Status was updated to Closed (or Closed and then Archived), they will still be able to claim the incentive from the unique incentive email.
You can also resend unclaimed incentives or cancel unclaimed incentives after a set time period.
โน๏ธ A Participant is not receiving their incentive email, was it sent?
Check the Study Outbox to ensure the incentive email was successfully sent.
In the relevant Study, open the 'Outbox' from the sidepanel and select the 'All Emails' tab at the top. Type the Participant's name or email in the searchbar to see emails sent to them and check the "Email Status" column. If the status is "Sent" it may be in the Participants spam folder; if the status is "Error" you can resend it.
If a Participant is having issues receiving their incentive email, follow the same steps above to navigate to the Study Outbox and search for their incentive email. Select the Email Subject to preview, then right click on the "Redeem" button to 'Copy Link Address' and directly email that link to the participant.