To send incentives to participants, enable Incentives on the Study.
When first building a new Study
By editing an existing or ongoing Study
Note: This article covers incentives for in-house recruitment studies only.
Conducting research with external panel recruitment? Learn more about Rally's full integration with Respondent in our collection on external panel recruitment in Rally.
Enable Study Incentives
Navigate the Plan stage of the Study builder.
Select the toggle to enable Incentives.
Type of incentive: Cash or Gift Card (via Tremendous) is selected by default and also includes charity options.
Charity Donations (via Tremendous) can be selected if all participants in the study aren't able to accept incentives due to company policies or other rules. This option is restricted to charity options only.
Amount: Enter the default incentive value offered.
This value can be used as a personalization token to populate email templates, allowing you to easily include the offered incentive amount in study invitations.
You can edit the actual amount sent when sending incentives as needed.
Budget: Select the Budget to be used for these incentives.
Depending on user permissions, you can Add Funds to the selected Budget here, or wait to add funds before sending incentives later.
Charity Donations Only Incentives
Send Charity Donations only incentives to participants that aren't able to accept [cash] incentives due to company policies or other rules. This option is limited to charity redemption options only.
Learn more about using Rally Incentives
Set up and fund Budgets to manage and apply funds any way you want to across both internal incentives and external panel recruitment fees and incentives.
Send incentives for in-house participants, including Charity Donation only options.
Resend or cancel unclaimed incentives individually or in bulk.
View and export incentive activity to report on what has been sent, claimed, and canceled. See which participants have received incentives, when, how much, and from whom.