Create a Screener

Source relevant Participants, save time using Question Templates, and auto-qualify or disqualify with Conditional Logic.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Screeners in Rally help you select the right Participants for your research. When creating Studies or Panel sign-up pages, you can include a Screener using our Screener builder. With the Screener builder, you can craft new questions or choose from existing Question Templates. Instantly qualify or disqualify Participants using Conditional Logic, or review and approve Participants at a later time.

πŸ’‘ Screeners cannot be submitted twice by a Participant for the same Study. This avoids overwriting original responses or any Participants attempting to bypass a disqualification with an additional submission attempt.

Survey Tool Setup

  1. Survey tool: Select your preferred survey tool. While Rally's native survey tool is recommended for seamless integration with Properties and automated follow-ups, you can also choose from one of our Survey integrations with Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform to enjoy automatic tracking of survey completion within Rally. You also have the option to 'Link to a custom survey' to use a survey from an alternative non-integrated survey tool - follow the link to the section below to ensure proper setup to see survey completion updates in Rally Studies.

  2. Qualification: Choose your preferred qualification method to streamline the workflow for qualified Participants:

    1. Complete screener without being disqualified: With this option, Participants who complete the screener without encountering any auto-disqualifying answers will automatically qualify for the study.

    2. Have a qualifying answer to specific questions: In this option, you can set specific questions in the screener that will automatically qualify Participants based on their answers.

  3. Immediate scheduling (optional): Allow qualified Participants to book interviews after completing the screener, without waiting for you to follow up.

  4. The next steps will vary depending on the survey tool selected. When using the Rally survey tool, the next step is to add questions to your screener or survey by selecting the '+ Add Question' button and selecting either 'Create New Question' or 'Add From Question Templates' and following the steps in the relevant section below.

Link to a Custom Survey

While Rally's native survey tool is recommended for seamless integration with Properties and automated follow-ups, our next recommendation is to choose from one of our Survey integrations with Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform to enjoy automatic tracking of survey completion within Rally.

If you've selected 'Link to a Custom Survey' in the survey tool dropdown, there are a few important things to be aware of. Options may vary depending on the survey tool used.

Set Up Survey Redirect Link to Track Survey Completion in Rally

If the alternative survey tool you're using has a way to set up survey completion redirects, you must set it up before Participants begin the survey for your Rally Study to be updated when Participants complete a survey.

  1. Check in your survey tool to see if redirect links are supported, and proceed if so.

  2. After selecting 'Link to a Custom Survey' in the survey tool dropdown during the Survey or Screener step of any Study or Panel Signup Page setup, paste the survey link into the next field.

  3. Next, copy the custom auto-generated Redirect Link and paste it into the redirect settings in your source survey (not in Rally) to send Participants back to Rally when they are done. Participants must click the button at the end of the survey to be redirected back to Rally for Rally Studies to automatically move them to Done and update Participants to "Survey Completed" or "Screener Completed".

  4. Note: Any Participants who do click the final redirect button after completing your survey will be shown as "Done" in Rally, while Participants who do not click the final redirect button after completing your survey will still show as "In Progress" with Participant Status "Survey Started" or "Screener Started" even after completing it.

Utilizing the redirect link when using alternative survey tools will improve your ability to track survey completion in Rally. We cannot know if someone completed an activity outside of Rally unless they come back to Rally at the end. For this to work, the tool you use must support taking in a studyId and participantId query param and forward those query params in the url of the redirect.

If your survey tool does not allow the use of redirect links, seeing that the screener or survey has been started should help with knowing who and how many responses may be available to review on the source survey. Then you can use survey responses in your source survey to Update Participant Statuses for Participants that have completed the survey.

Add a New Question

  1. Select '+ Add Question'.

  2. Enter the Question to be shown to Participants. Be clear and concise.

  3. Optionally, enter a Question Description to provide additional context or instructions to Participants, while keeping the actual Question concise.

  4. Optionally, enable Required Response if it is mandatory for Participants to answer.

  5. Select the appropriate Question Type. More info on Question Types down below.

    • Short Form Text

    • Date

    • Number

    • Single-Select

    • Multi-Select

    • Dropdown

  6. For Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Dropdown Question Types, add the available options for Participants to choose from.

    1. Add another option by selecting the '+' on the right side.

    2. Remove an option by selecting the trash icon on the right side.

    3. Select '+ Add New Option' to add more options.

    4. Select '+ Bulk Add New Options' to create multiple options simultaneously by pasting comma-separated values or by typing and pressing enter after each option to save time.

    5. Select 'Add "Other" for Custom Response' to allow Participants to type in an alternative answer.

  7. Optionally, associate question responses to specific Properties by selecting the 'Property Mapping' dropdown. Associate Question responses to specific Properties by using Property mapping selecting a Property' Using this feature enriches Participant Profiles continuously as any time a Participant takes a Screener or Survey and answers questions with Property mapping enabled, their responses automatically update the values in their Properties with any new or updated information, providing you with more data to better tailor your recruitment outreach.

    • Select an existing Property from the dropdown to map the question to it. If the selected Property has options, you can also map each question option to the corresponding Property option.

    • Create a new Property to map to this question to by selecting 'Create Property'.

    • If the Property has options, you can also map the question options to the Property options.

  8. Optionally, enable Conditional Logic to qualify, disqualify, or redirect a Participant to a specific question based on their response to a Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Drop-Down Screener question.

  9. After entering all the necessary information and confirming everything is correct, select 'Done' to save.

  10. Create new Question Templates as you go whenever you create a new screener or survey. After creating the question and selecting 'Done' to add the question to the screener or survey, simply select the three dots ... in the top right corner of the question and select 'Save As Question Template'.

Create New Question Template from Screener or Survey

You can also create a new Question Template from any screener or survey question by selecting the three dots ... in the top right of a question and selecting 'Save As Question Template'.

We suggest using Property Mapping for questions saved as templates to associate question responses to specific Properties. This enriches Participant Profiles continuously as any time a Participant takes a screener or survey and answers questions with Property mapping enabled, their responses automatically update the values in their Properties with any new or updated information, providing you with more data to better tailor your recruitment outreach.

Add From Question Templates

Quickly, easily, and accurately build a Screener by selecting from existing Question Templates.

  1. Select the '+ Add Question' button and select 'Add From Question Template'.

  2. Select the question template(s) you'd like to add to your screener. Make sure to review your selections before selecting 'Add # questions'.

Screener Endings

Customize messages for Participants based on their qualification status.

  • Standard: A general message that Participants see after they submit the screener.

    • Example: "Thank you for taking the time to fill out the screener survey. If you match our criteria, you will receive an email from us."

  • Qualified: A message that Participants see after they submit the screener with auto-qualifying answers.

    • Example: "Thank you for choosing to Participate. We think you'd be an awesome fit for our study, and we will reach out to you when there are opportunities for you to Participate in."

  • Disqualified: A message that Participants see after they submit the screener with auto-disqualifying answers.

    • Example: "Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey."

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