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Create Populations

Organize participants by type for streamlined research recruitment.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 2 months ago

This article provides instructions for customers using Rally for Teams (Rally V2). Your Rally admin will let you know when it's time to switch to Rally for Teams.

Populations streamline participant recruitment and collaboration for all teams. Dedicated populations let UX teams manage their own participants privately, while shared populations make it easier for all teams to access research-ready participants.

Create a New Population

🚨 Creating and managing Populations requires the "Create and modify population" permission. This includes the Rally default roles Admin, Ops Manager, or Researcher.

  1. Select People from the side nav bar.

  2. Select + New Population.

  3. Name: Enter a name that clearly describes the population.

  4. Description: Provide a description of who belongs in this population, any instructions on how they should or should not be used, etc.

  5. Icon: Select the emoji to choose an icon to represent this population.

  6. Exclusivity Restriction: Optionally turn this setting on to prevent people in this population from being added to any other population. Note: This setting can only be turned on when there are no people in the population.

  7. There are tabs to switch between the population's Content and Permissions settings.

  8. Select the Permissions tab to configure access for this population.

    • Access permissions for new populations are set to "Enter workspace has access" by default. See the next section to assign access to specific team(s).

  9. Select Save Changes in the top right corner.

Assign or Remove Teams Permissions for Populations

  1. Select People from the side nav bar, or select a team and then People.

  2. Find the population or use the searchbar to filter, then select the 3 dots ... and Edit.

  3. There are tabs to switch between the population's Content and Permissions settings.

  4. Select the Permissions tab to configure access for this population.

  5. Access:

    • Access permissions for new populations are set to "Enter workspace has access" by default. Select the dropdown to assign access to specific team(s).

    • From the dropdown, select Only specific teams have access.

      • With this access setting, at least one team is required.

    • Select + Add teams.

    • Select the Team dropdown to search and select existing teams.

      • Add multiple teams to a population at once by selecting more teams.

    • Select Add Teams to confirm.

  6. Remove Teams:

    • Select the X icon to the right of a team to remove their access.

  7. Select Save Changes in the top right corner.

  8. From the side nav bar, you can now select a team's name and People to view the Populations they are assigned to, including all workspace wide and those assigned specific team access.

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