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External Panel Screener Best Practices

Tips, best practices, and how to create a screener for external panel recruitment studies.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 5 months ago

Define and target your ideal participant pool by configuring the "Audience" setup step of an external panel recruitment study in Rally, targeting by location, job title, industry, skills, demographics, and more. Then, create the perfect screener to capture more information about each applicant and asked pointed questions with conditional logic to automatically "pre-qualify" or "disqualify" applicants to confidently know who to invite or reject at a quick glance. Taking time to build out quality screeners is important to receiving the best possible applicants for the specific audience and research goals!


  • Include around 6 screener questions, and ideally no more than 10 questions as Respondent has found this amount to work best. There is a 2 question minimum.

  • Use enough targeted questions to narrow your applicant pool to only the most relevant, qualified candidates, but keep it as concise as possible to avoid drop off.

  • Include at least one open-ended question to assess how articulate and expressive someone can be on a topic and weed out those less qualified, but limit open ended questions. The more you have, the more tiresome it is to complete the screener.

  • Begin with the broader questions, using conditional logic to disqualify applicants as you continue to more specific questions as unqualified applicants are filtered out.

  • Avoid biases in your questions. Make sure there’s no way for applicants to know if they will be accepted by answering a question in a specific way.

  • Include extra response options for single or multiple choice questions to make qualifying answers less obvious.

  • Use screener question templates where possible to maintain consistency across the team, and consider saving newly created questions as templates for the future.

  • Test internally before launching your study to ensure all conditional logic and skip logic is set up correctly and working as expected.

  • Ask all important qualifying questions in the screener to feel confident about who to invite based on responses, as you won't be able to add more follow up questions.

💡 Tip: Use conditional logic in screener questions to automatically label applicants that should potentially be invited or rejected at a quick glance. Conditional logic in external panel recruitment Studies will not invite or reject applicants, but can help to prioritize reviewing "auto-qualified" applicants first.

Things To Know

  • "Date" question types are not currently supported for external panel recruitment.

  • Question descriptions are not currently supported for external panel recruitment.

  • Conditional logic for multi-select questions does not allow skip logic or 'end screener' based on responses for external panel recruitment currently.

  • Conditional logic is not available for Number or Short Form Text question types.

  • Randomize options to display question options in random order is not supported for external panel recruitment currently.

💡 Screeners cannot be submitted twice by a applicant/participant for the same Study. This avoids overwriting original responses or anyone attempting to bypass a disqualification with an additional submission attempt.

Begin creating an external panel study first to build a screener. Learn more about each step of the study setup process by visiting our dedicated articles for each study type.

Learn more about how recruitment works & best practices before building a screener.

Build Your Screener

When creating an external panel study, navigate to the Screener setup step.

  1. Screening tool: Rally's native screener is used by default for a seamless experience.

  2. Select '+ Add question' to create a new question or add from question templates.

  3. Select 'Create new question' to start from scratch. We'll cover how to add from question templates later on in this article.

Create New Question

  1. On the Screener step, select '+ Add question' and then 'Create new question.'

  2. Question: Enter the full question to be shown to applicants. Be clear and concise.

  3. Question Descriptions are not currently supported in external panel studies. Include all relevant context or instructions in the question, but try to keep it concise.

  4. Required: Enable the required checkbox if it is mandatory for applicants to answer. We suggest making all screener questions required for external panel studies.

  5. Question Type: Select the appropriate Question Type. More info on Question Types down below.

    • Short Form Text

    • Number

    • Single-Select

    • Multi-Select

    • Dropdown

  6. For Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Dropdown Question Types, add the available options for applicants to choose from.

    • Add an option below by selecting the '+' on the right side of any option.

    • Remove an option by selecting the trash icon on the right side.

    • Select '+ Add option' to add more options.

    • Select '+ Bulk add options' to quickly create multiple options by pasting comma-separated values or by typing and pressing enter after each option.

    • Select 'Add "other" option' for custom responses to allow Participants to type in an alternative answer.

  7. Property Mapping: Associate question responses to specific Properties by using the dropdown to select a Property. This helps enrich Participant Profiles as question responses automatically update the values in their Properties with any new or updated information that can then be filtered by to target future research.

    • Select an existing property from the dropdown to map the question to it. If the selected Property has options, map each question option to the corresponding Property option.

    • Create property to make a new property to map responses to.

      • Select 'Create property.'

      • Property Name: Use a short and descriptive name thats easily understood by teammates, and simplify filtering, and keep column titles neat in tables.

      • Property Type: Select the property type, typically matching the question type.

      • Options: Add the property options for the question options to map to.

      • Create Property: Select 'Create property' to save.

    • If the new or existing Property has options, map the question options to the Property options by selecting from the dropdown.

  8. Add conditional logic to "auto-qualify" or "disqualify" applicants or redirect to a specific question based on their response to a Single-Select, Multi-Select, or Drop-Down screener question.

    • Conditional logic dropdown options will vary based on the question type.

  9. Carefully review your question for typos or missing info before selecting 'Done.'

  10. Save as question template: If you'd like to reuse a question in the future, create a new Question Template from any screener question by selecting the 3 dots ... in the top right of a question and selecting 'Save as question template'.

  11. Continue adding all questions to your screener.

    • To add a missing question between existing questions, navigate to the place you wish to insert the new question and select '+ Add question' between them.

    • To remove a question, select the 3 dots ... and 'Remove from screener.'

  12. Review everything carefully, making sure all relevant questions are included and conditional logic is correctly set up before selecting the 'Next' button in the top right corner to continue building the rest of the study.

Add From Question Templates

  1. On the Screener step, select '+ Add question' and then 'Add from question templates.'

  2. Select the question template(s) you'd like to add to your screener.

  3. Review your selections before selecting 'Add # questions.'

  4. Select each newly added question templates to open the editor to make any changes and complete setup, such as marking as required, adding property mapping, or configuring conditional logic.

Looking for more resources on best how to structure screeners depending on the audience type? Learn more with Respondent's screener guides for B2B Unmoderated Studies or B2C Unmoderated Studies.

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