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Move People to Population
Move People to Population

Move people into a population while removing them from all other populations; includes move to exclusive population.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated this week

Add/move people to a different population while simultaneously removing them from any current populations. This can be done individually or in bulk.

Participants can be moved into an exclusive population while removing them from all current population memberships using this feature in the second section below.

To add existing participants into a population without removing them from populations they already belong to, use add people to a population instead.

πŸ’‘ Moving people to a different population will not impact active studies they are already participating in to avoid unintended research impacts or disruption.

Move People to a Population

🚨 Moving people from one population to another requires both the "Add person to population" and "Remove person from population" permissions. This includes the Rally default roles Admin, Ops Manager, or Researcher.

  1. Select the People page from your Rally Workspace level or Team level.

  2. Select the Population the participant(s) are currently in to open it.

  3. Select the participants you want to move by checking the corresponding checkboxes next to their names.

    • Use filters to refine your search with any custom properties or Rally properties, or use the search box to quickly search by name or email.

    • Tip: Quickly select multiple consecutive rows simultaneously by making your first selection and then holding the shift key when making your last selection.

  4. Move people individually or in bulk.

    • Individually:

      • Hover over a person's name, select the three dots ... and select Move to population.

    • In bulk:

      • Select the checkboxes next to each person to move.

      • Select the More actions button at the top of the table and Move to population.

  5. Select a population from the dropdown for them to be moved to.

  6. Select Move to population again to confirm. Once moved, they will be removed from the current population, and added to the selected one.

Move People to an Exclusive Population

People can only be added to an exclusive population if they are not in any other populations. They cannot be added to other populations while in an exclusive one.

  • For participants that do not belong to any population, you can simply use add people to an exclusive population.

  • For participants that belong to 1 or more populations, you can use the steps below to move them into an exclusive population while simultaneously removing them from all other populations in the workspace. Proceed with caution.

🚨 Moving people from one population to another requires both the "Add person to population" and "Remove person from population" permissions. This includes the Rally default roles Admin, Ops Manager, or Researcher.

  1. Select the People page from your Rally Workspace level or Team level.

  2. Select the Population the participant(s) are currently in to open it.

  3. Select the participants you want to move by checking the corresponding checkboxes next to their names.

    • Use filters to refine your search with any custom properties or Rally properties, or use the search box to quickly search by name or email.

    • Tip: Quickly select multiple consecutive rows simultaneously by making your first selection and then holding the shift key when making your last selection.

  4. Move people individually or in bulk.

    • Individually:

      • Hover over a person's name, select the three dots ... and select Move to population.

    • In bulk:

      • Select the checkboxes next to each person to move.

      • Select the More actions button at the top of the table and Move to population.

  5. Select an exclusive population from the dropdown for them to be moved to. Exclusive populations will be clearly labeled as πŸ”’ Exclusive.

  6. Select Move to population again to continue to the next step.

  7. Carefully review the details and warnings of the action you are taking.

  8. To continue, you'll need to check the box to confirm your intention and understanding, as well as type in the prompted confirmation message.

  9. Select Confirm move to complete. It may occur immediately, but may take a few moments to see this update reflected.

  10. Once moved, they will be removed from any and all current populations they were in, and will be added to the selected exclusive population.

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