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Add People Manually

Add individual people to your Rally CRM.

Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over 2 months ago

This article provides instructions for customers using Rally for Teams (Rally V2). Your Rally admin will let you know when it's time to switch to Rally for Teams.

Organize participants into Populations that align with your teams’ recruitment needs and research goals, or just add participants directly to your people database.

Add People Manually

Add people manually, directly into your workspace database, into a Population, or into a specific Study. This method is suitable for adding a small number of individuals.

  1. Select the People page from your Rally Workspace level or Team level.

  2. Select Add People in the top right corner and + Add manually.

  3. Select which Population the new person will be added to

    • Population defaults to the place you are adding from, such as Database or General Population.

    • When manually adding people directly into a Study, select the Population here.

  4. Fill out the Properties for the person.

  5. If you have more individuals to add, select Create and add another.

  6. Otherwise, select Add Person to save.

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